Saturday, June 14, 2008


Sometimes when I first meet someone,
I act sort of shy and cold because
I don't want to be myself
because I'm afraid they won't like me.

how i spend my life:
1% being mad at friends
2% shopping
3% on facebook/blogger
9% laughing
10% eating
12% being sad
20% at school
43% sleeping

It takes a long time for someone to earn my trust,
but it takes even longer for them to win it back.

Occasionally, I lie about how I really feel.
But lately, I've done that so often
that I don't even know how I really feel.

I don't really know where I'm supposed to be right now.
It feels so right, but its too good to be true.

I'm so confused about so many people right now.
including myself.
Even though I shouldn't even care about some of them,
I still do.

When I say I care,
Sometimes I really don't.
When I say I don't care,
Sometimes I really do.

I imagine myself in lots of people's shoes.
Sometimes I think,
"I would LOVE to be *insert name here*!!"
and other times, i think,
"It must suck to be *insert name here*!!"
which is otherwise known as judging people.
i tend to do that a lot.

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