Friday, May 30, 2008

Yep, thats me!

I'm the girl who carries a taco in her purse around the mall.

I'm the girl who laughs during the sad parts in a movie.

I'm the girl who screws with walmart in her free time.

I'm the girl who consciously dreams unrealistic dreams.

I'm the girl who sits on top a vending machine.

I'm the girl who has a plastic artichoke in my backpack.

I'm the girl who sits under the willow trees and just thinks.

I'm not the girl you'd classify as "normal"

I'm not the girl who will let you cheat off of.

I'm not the girl who follows every rule.

I'm not the girl who likes being called "hot" or "cute"

I'm not the girl who "goes with the flow"

I'm not the girl you think i am.

I'm not who you think i am.

I am who i am.
Love me,
Or Hate me.

I will never change myself just to please someone.
I'd rather be hated for who I am
than loved for someone I'm not.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008


Have you ever had that one thing in your life
that gets you through pretty much everything?

Well, for a while, i couldn't find one for me.
Nothing seemed to cheer me up when i was down.

I've been playing piano since 2nd grade, but I never really thought anything of it.
It was kind of a "Meh. No, i can't hang out after school today. i have piano lessons."
For me, piano was boring for a long time. I wanted to quit for a long time because i didn't feel like I was getting anywhere. I was just mad because i couldn't play as good as Mozart. My mom always had to nag me to go to lessons, and i saw them as a waste of time.

Finally, in about March of this year, my parents had a fight about my piano lessons. My dad was the one running me to and from lessons because my mom had to work. Apparantly, he thought that if i didn't want to do lessons, why waste more money on me. But my mom was persistant on me not being a quitter. But as usual, my dad won by refusing to take me to lessons anymore.
My mom called the piano teacher and told her i had to "temporaily pause" my lessons. But I was pretty sure I wouldn't be starting them up any time soon.

For a while, my life seemed... less complicated. I liked it. But after a while, something felt like it was missing. A void that needed to be filled. I started randomly playing just in my free time, and I actually enjoyed it a little. I started playing more and more, and i was happy whenever i was playing piano. I thought that this was my calling.

Well, as you all know(or should know), my dad is a jerk. He was in a cranky mood one day and he flipped on me for playing the piano. He said i sucked and if he ever heard me playing again, he was going to burn all my music. I wouldn't put it past him.

So I started playing whenever i was alone. But he is retired, so that isn't very often. Every now and then, he'd go to a neighbor's house or something, and i'd practically FLY to the piano. I couldn't wait to run through a song or two.

In choir sometimes, I'd absentmindedly play chords or simple little tunes on the piano while we had study hall. Once, the teacher heard me playing, and, instead of yelling at me, she asked if i would accompany some people in the spring variety show. I was thrilled.
I tried my hardest to practice the accompaniments in my free time, but my dad hardly ever left the house anymore. I'd practice at school with the people I was accompanying, but i knew i couldn't learn all of the pieces in time.

The next day, I went up to the teacher and told her i couldn't learn them in time because i was "too busy." So I narrowed it all down to one accompaniment- Beauty and the Beast. When my dad was home, i'd sit on my bed and pretend i was on the piano and i'd finger the keys. The second he left, I'd bolt for the piano. It was 2 days until show, and i was still messing up a lot.
Finally, one day while i was ranting to Faithe, she suggested i play on a keyboard and put headphones in so my dad wouldn't hear.
The keyboard was way different than the piano and it took a while to get used to.
Finally, Show night came. As we walked onto the stage, my legs trembled because i had been playing on a keyboard and i had to play on a actual piano.

I sat down and I just played my heart out. I may have said a few prayers in my head for the tough spots, but other than that, i just played. And when the song ended, i realized I had only made 2 little mistakes.

The next day, I had a fight with my dad, in an attempt to win back my piano rights. There was a lot of arguing, but eventually, he gave in and I won.

For the first time in a long time, I was truely happy.
I knew I had found the thing that could get me through anything.

Monday, May 26, 2008

I will always be me.

Should i smile because we're friends, or cry because i know that's all we'll ever be?

I'm sorry that I'm not as hot as her.
I'm sorry i wear more modest clothes than her.
I'm sorry i wear less makeup than her.
I'm sorry i don't laugh at every single little thing you say, especially when its not funny.
I'm sorry i won't hit on you in every other sentance.
I'm sorry i won't kiss you on the first date.
I'm sorry i won't be your slut.
I'm sorry my boobs don't bounce when i run.
And I'm sorry I'm not her.

But did you ever think that there could be more to a girl then the size of her boobs and how much she flirts?
Did you ever care about a little thing called "personality?" Or faithfulness?

Do you know that she is fake, and doesn't stick with who she really is?
Do you know that she can't say no?
Do you know that she can't take a hint?
Do you know that she would do anything with a guy, just to get him to like her?
Or Do you know how she is so two-faced that even she isn't sure which face is really her?

Well i hope you are happy with her. I hope you two date someday.
But i also hope she breaks your heart.
I hope she makes out with your best friend while you're dating.

I hope you see that she has no true personality, and she just goes with the flow, never questioning anything.
And i also hope that when you come crawling back, I'll still have the guts to say no.

I used to care how you lived your life, and wanted you to be happy with it.
But not anymore. You don't listen to me anymore, so i can't really help you.
I could tell you that the stuff you're drinking is actually sewage, but you'd just shrug and say "its not really sewage. its a pretty color and it looks better than the clean water in your hand."
You've changed, and become so blind that i don't even know who you are anymore.
Maybe one day, you'll mature and discover that there are better things in life than what is just handed right to you.

“Women are like apples on trees,
the best ones are on the top of the tree.
The men don't want to reach for the good ones
because they are afraid of falling and don't want to get hurt.
Instead, they just get the rotten apples from the ground
that aren't so good but easy.
So, the apples at the top think something is wrong with them,
when in reality they are amazing.
They just have to wait for the right man to come along,
the one who's brave enough to climb all the way to the top
becuase they value quality.”

Well, I just want you to know that i will always be me,
Even if it means staying single forever because guys dont like me.
I could never change myself just for a guy because thats not what a relationship is about.

forever true,
heidi loo <3>

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Top 10 goals for a better me.

1. I'm going to stop going on and on and on about certain people.

2. I'm going to try to never use the word hate.

3. I won't do any more reaallly mean things to jordan kim, except maybe the occasional insult, but thats all.

4. I'm going to stop trying to fit in and start being me.

5. I'm going to listen more than I talk.

6. I'm going to spend a lot less time being sad (especially about guys) and be a happier person.

7. I'm going to care a little less about things i shouldnt care about and care more about what i should care about.

8. I'm going to stop judging people.

9. I'm going to stop stirring up more drama.

10. I'm going to concentrate harder on schoolwork and actually do my homework before class starts.

Whats in a Word?

The three words we've all heard countless times:
i love you.

in my opinion, that phrase is used waay too much.
it should be used after you start actually dating,
not before. if you say it too soon, its just weird.
i think one of the biggest mistakes guys make is
saying "i love you" too soon. they may claim they
"really mean it," but i don't believe it.
and if they say it after you break up, its also awkward.
they may still love you, but its not helping with the
"staying friends".
i totally understand if a girl says "i love you" to another girl,
or a guy that she is honestly just friends with.
i hate it when guys think they know you well enough
to say they love you, after only a day or so of dating.
i mean, lawrence did that to whoredon.
not a good couple to be compared to, is it?
here's my definition of i love you...

i love you- V. to give someone the ability to break your heart, but trusting them not to; a state of loving someone so much that you are afraid to lose them.

i hope this blog has helped you, and i hope you've learned that the phrase: "i love you" should not be used lightly.

lets say your guy has told you he loves you, and its too soon for you.
  • tell him straight up "wait until you actually mean it."
  • say something like "<333">
  • ignore it, and see if he stops saying it.
  • talk to him about it and tell him how you feel.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

aww :(

Near to the door
he paused to stand
as he took his class ring
off her hand
all who were watching
did not speak
as a silent tear
ran down his cheek
and through his mind
the memories ran
of the moments they walked
and ran in the sand hand and hand
but now her eyes were so terrible cold
for he would never again
have her to hold
they watched in silence
as he bent near
and whispered the words..
"I LOVE YOU" in her ear
he touched her face and started to cry
as he put on his ring and wanted to die
and just then the wind began to blow
as they lowered her casket
into the snow....
this is what happens
to man alive
when friends let friends
drink and drive.

Thursday, May 22, 2008


so today in p.e. class, we all decided to wear "the bracelets."
theres 5 colors,

well i grabbed for the white one.
basically, how the bracelets work is this:
you wear it, and if a guy breaks it off, you have to do what ever the color means with him
whoredon had two blue ones, and i believe they were broken off within the hour...
but anyways, i will be wearing a white bracelet. when i stop wearing it, it'll prolly mean i had my first kiss. (or else i forgot to put it on, or i lost it=P)
<3 always, heidi

Wednesday, May 21, 2008


meet my mood. it's name is
i'm so sick of being confused,
and confusing others.
i'm sick of lying,
and being lied to.
i'm sick of my heart getting broken,
and breaking other hearts.
i wish everything would go back to kindergarten days.
where if you liked someone, you told them.
if you didnt like them, you told them.
everyone was honest with each other
and your "boyfriend"
was simply the cute kid next to the box of crayons
that tried to kiss you once, but missed.
they say you never know how good you've got it until its gone.
well, believe me. i've experienced that a lot.
its just a little thing called regret.
i regret punching the kid who later grew up to be hot.
i regret leaving my good friends to hang with the creepies.
and i regret leaving the one i could have truely been happy with.
but regret doesnt get you anywhere in life, does it?
no. its how you go about changing your actions.
making better descions next time around.
and learning from your mistakes.
meet my mood. it's name is

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Where do I belong?

I feel like a turtle,
trapped between the beach and the ocean,
not knowing which way to go.
The gentle waves call me to the ocean,
while the sandy beaches lure me otherwise.

There is constant yelling,
fighting, horror, and pain.
Life is like a train off its rails,
or a crashing jet plain.

Adults may say they know what its like,
but they have no idea.
It is hard trying to be so perfect,
in a world that only accepts the best.

It is hard to be so beautiful,
in a world that only accepts supermodels
It is hard to be yourself,
in a world that only wants the perfect.

I am none of those things,
the things that people want,
I guess that is why I am an outcast.
The one that is alone.

There is one more thing I ask myself,
whenever I look into the mirror,
Do I belong?
Is there somewhere I do belong?

For now there isn't,
but someday there will be....
I hope.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Bad Day

I had a bad day.
'nuff said.

1. I found out that i am, in fact, NOT upgrading to symphonic band next year.
2. I overdosed on cream cheese so now i have a tummy ache.
3. I found out i have to get a hearing aid.
4. A third grader puked on my art project.
5. I stepoped in a ginormous puddle, so my leg is soaked.
6. The dumb bus driver dropped me off a mile away from my house.
7. The only three people i called to rant about my bad day to couldn't talk more than 18 seconds.
8. Still pmsing.

So i am ranting/venting to my blog. fyi, i will prolly snap on the next person who pisses me off...
sorry i'm so bitchy today.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008


Well, today, me and a bunch of my friends went to wally world after school...
(duh duhn duhnnnn...)
So we're back by the cameras, which coincidentally, is by the fake fruits.
And i'm like "OMFG! ITS AN ARTICHOKE!!!"
I get so engrossed in said fruit that i set my phone down on the shelf.

Later, after I realized i forgot it, we called it.
"Hellow?!??" said some preppy chick.
"Uh, who is this?" i asked.
"Uhm, i found this phone sitting on the shelf so i'm taking it to customer service..."

So i head over to customer service, and long story short...
i save my phone from being given to a very hairy hobo,
was forced to fill out an intensely boring quiz thing about customer service as punishment,
sought revenge by annoying the cashier (bought 10 of the cheapest kinds of gum and asked for gift reciepts for each.)
And I bought my artichoke.

Monday, May 5, 2008

When you look in the mirror, who do you see?

When you look in the mirror,
do you see someone struggling with life?

When you look in the mirror,
do you see someone crying on the inside, smiling on the out?

When you look in the mirror,
do you see someone who can't find a way out?

When I look in the mirror, i see a girl.
A girl who's split between so many different people and cliques.
Who's not really sure where she belongs.

I see a girl
who tries her best to smile every day
to cover up all her sadness from within.

What do YOU see in the reflection?

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Nothing lasts forever

I've noticed quite a lot of sadness these days.
In fact, it seems rather contagious.
Everyone can find flaws in their lives,
or something they wish they had.

I guess I'm a hypocryte
because i've been sad lately too.
someone smart could probably tell you that
the lack of sunshine adds up and creates depression.
but i think its more than that.

Has anyone besides me ever noticed that
the main thing getting us down is men?
your boyfriend, your ex-boyfriend,
your wanna-be/soon-to-be boyfriend.

Can't you realize that there is life beyond males?
Last night at sam's, there were no guys!
And everyone had fun without guys!
And if you didn't have fun, its your own fault
for thinking abot anything besides sam's party.

If nothing else can cheer you up, think about this:
How long have you known your longest friend?
a year? two years? 8 or more years?
and what is the longest relationship/crush
you have ever had?
a month? 6 months? a year?

"lets be nothing. i hear it lasts forever."

well, its true. nothing lasts forever.
forever is a really long time.
so next time your life seems like
its headed down a one way street,
be a rebel. turn around and go up the one-way street.

and if you get lost along the way,
look to your friends.
we may not last forever,
but we'll stay as long as we can.

Sam's House

So what do you get when you cross a bunch of crazy teenagers and no transportation? well, we all end up walking and that= trouble =P
"When you look in the reflection, who do you see?"

Friday, May 2, 2008


Love is heart that can become a broken puzzle if torn apart.
Love is a dagger forced into a poor lonely soul that can break you or make you whole.
Love is a game, shame, lame and a name.
Love is a new life and a knife.
Love can be like death, it can give or take your breath.
Love is a saddness, a sorrow.
Love is a new day tomorrow.
Love is destressing, depressing and obsessing.
Love is glory and a never ending story.
Love is a flower that can be weak or be a power.
Love is appealing, a feeling and can be hurtful or healing.
Love is a fire, a burning desire and can be a dirty lier.
Love is a killer and a thriller.
Love is a pill that messes with will.
Love is a flowing river that makes you cold, makes you quiver.
Love is a new door that can be empty or can be more.
Love is a passage way, a new beginning, a bran new day.
Love is the colors black and blue frome the bruises from the old that still look new.
Love is a book, a new way to look.
Love is pain that can be lost or can gain.
Love is a part of you and me and thats the way it will always be.

Cute Love Quotes.

The one who makes you cry isn't worth your tears. The one who is worth your tears would never make you cry.

One day you'll come to me and ask me what's more important: You or my life. I'll say my life and you'll walk away, never knowing that you're my life.

Who do you turn to when the only person who can stop your crying is the one who made you cry?

It takes only a minute to get a crush on someone, an week to like someone, and a month to love someone, but it takes a lifetime to forget someone!

Fine guys open my eyes, smart guys open my mind. But only a sweet guy can open my heart.

I wanted a guy that was nice and in touch with his feelings, but then i realized..they all have have boyfriends already.

To the world you're one person......but to one person you're the world!

I ran into my ex the other day. I hit reverse & hit him again.

Love is giving someone the ability to destroy you, but trusting them not to.

It's hard enough when the one you love doesn't love you back, but it is even harder to watch him love someone else.

You love me, you hate me, but all you ever do it forget me. Why say you love me, why say you hate me, jus' live your life without me and I'll live mine without you. We'll be happy, we'll be free, no more hating, no more loving, jus' you and me... apart forever.

If you love something, let it go. If it loves you in return, it will come back.

Excuse me do you have a band-aid, because I scraped my knee when I fell for you.

Meeting you was fate, becoming your friend was choice, and falling in love was beyond my control.

Love is like the wind- you can't see it, but you can feel it.

Should I smile because we are friends or should I cry because I know that's all we will ever be?

Love is Like a four leaf clover: hard to find but lucky to have.

Don't cry because it is over, smile because it happened.

If love is not a game, then why are there so many players?

Nothing is more painful than relizing that he meant everything to you, but you meant nothing to him.

If I had a rose for everytime I've thought about you, I'd be sitting in a garden.

Love starts with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a tear.

A broken heart is like a dog bite- the pain will go away, but the scar will last forever.

Love is amazing....
You find it in people you least expect,
And see it in people you often reject.
How often do you find love when you're not looking for some?
But you know you've found it when your knees turn numb.
Love is something some people try to ignore,
They are afraid of loving and what it opens their heart for.
Love is something some people try to find,
But when they find something close, it gets fooled by their mind.
Love must be a coincidence, or an unexpected event,
A surprise in its happenings, and heaven sent.
You must not rush it or plan the road you wish it to lead,
Let the feeling take its course, and any way it need.
You'll know when the feeling's there, and when it's completely right,
From there on, just let that feeling go, and take you to an unreachable height.

Thursday, May 1, 2008


Guess I've made the worst mistake.
Once again, I give and you take
Things that will never see
The world that we couldn't make.

I had acted in so much haste,
And found that there was no more to taste
As there had been like before-
And no more can our hearts be laced.

Well, I should probably start at the begining.
Many of you know a boy named bryce harp. well, long before he went to waverly, he went to janesville. He was always sort of a jerk. it started in 3rd grade, when he starting taunting me. he sort of sucked at insults, so i got pretty good at ignoreing him.
but eventually, his insults became meaner and meaner. over the years, he got to know me, and was able to use more personal things to get to me.
it got so bad that i even punched him and gave him a black eye. i gave up on ignoreing him and let him get to me.
For some reason, i let everything he said hurt me. i ran out of class crying multiple times. sometimes, i even skipped school. he made my life hell.
but i'll never forget the day i found out he was moving. it was like seeing a rainbow, after a long rainstorm. my life suddenly improved.

But one good thing can usually mean another bad thing for me....

That same year, my parent's usual bickering got worse. They would scream at each other every night and i would have trouble sleeping. When i confonted my mom about it, she told me to just ignore it.
But every night, it got worse. One time, my mom drove me to a hotel just outside of waverly, where we spent the next four nights alone. And whenever the fights were especially bad, i would call brianne. Just hearing her voice got me through most of it.<3
I became desperate. I prayed that they would just get a divorce. That seemed like the only solution that would make it all end. But eventually, i realized: If they got a divorce, neither one of them could afford the house alone. I'd have to move.
Lately, my mom has simply ignored my dad's rude remarks. She was trying so hard to keep our family together, and i really respect her for that.

I do not know what is in store,
And I shiver at the thought 'ignore'
Since your eyesight is all I need-
While living seems like a chore.

Next, I met Sam. You could say I was rather desperate, so i said yes. I was desperate to know that there wasn't something wrong with me and that someone could truely like me.
Immediately after we started dating, everyone constantly questioned me about him.
i heard things like:
"did he drug you?"
"I didn't know you were a lesbian..."
or just plain "Ewww!"
People I didn't even know began taunting me about him. I was trying to ignore them and find out for myself if i liked him or not. But eventually, I caved. I couldn't stand it anymore, all the constant judging and the acid stares i got. I broke up with him at the dance, but something seemed wrong. It didn't come as a relief to me, like i assumed it would. I was deeply depressed.

After the breakup, we tried to stay friends. But for some reason, we couldn't have a normal conversation without akwardness. We fought on and off, and then finally, we had the big fight. It got all the way down to him saying "I no longer care about you OR your feelings" and then i called him a manwhore. We haven't spoken since. I try to just ignore him, when i see him in the hallways or at concerts. I haven't spoken a word to him since the fight.

Sometimes ignoreing is not the easiest thing to do, but its usually for the best. When it comes to the Whoredons, or the Sam Epleys in our lives, we all know it would be funnest to trip them on the ice, or hack a lugi in their backpack. But in the long run, it usually makes it worse. If you learned anything from this blog post, i hope that you learned this:
Whether you want to or not,

Never had I meant to take the lead
Of such a dangerous role, I beg and plead,
But my words are heard with none.
And so I've sewn my unluckiest seed.

I did not like the warmth of the sun
When the world began to run,
And thus began the thoughtless dance
Of waiting for just one more chance.