Wednesday, May 7, 2008


Well, today, me and a bunch of my friends went to wally world after school...
(duh duhn duhnnnn...)
So we're back by the cameras, which coincidentally, is by the fake fruits.
And i'm like "OMFG! ITS AN ARTICHOKE!!!"
I get so engrossed in said fruit that i set my phone down on the shelf.

Later, after I realized i forgot it, we called it.
"Hellow?!??" said some preppy chick.
"Uh, who is this?" i asked.
"Uhm, i found this phone sitting on the shelf so i'm taking it to customer service..."

So i head over to customer service, and long story short...
i save my phone from being given to a very hairy hobo,
was forced to fill out an intensely boring quiz thing about customer service as punishment,
sought revenge by annoying the cashier (bought 10 of the cheapest kinds of gum and asked for gift reciepts for each.)
And I bought my artichoke.

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