Sunday, March 29, 2009


We were driving home from His house, very late on a cold, snowy eve.
The stop sign was approaching quickly.
"Are you going to stop or what?" i inquired.
"I'm trying"he said quickly.
I held my breath as i heard the brakes lock.
The car started skidding, slowly, then more uncontrollably.
I gasped as the car spun all the way around and flew into a ditch.
A large wooden telephone pole caught my eye, and i prayed we didnt hit it.
When i opened my eyes, the car was stopped.
I looked around, and noticed the telephone pole, less than a foot in front of the car.
It hit me: If we had been going one mph faster,
we would have hit it head on.
and possibly died.
He put the car in reverse, and we slowly backed out, back onto the road.
We sat there for a moment, and he turned to face me.
"i almost killed us. More importantly, i almost killed you."
I will never forget the desophoric sincereity in his eye that night.

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