Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Thats what its all about.


I've always wondered if they're really happy.
I mean, yeah, they smile, but they smile glamourous smiles. smiles intended to make them look hot. don't they ever just smile because they're happy?

Or do they even know what happy is?

All the pictures I see of them are about the same:

Pushing their makeup-coated cheeks together, they flash a big, white, perfect smile for the camera.
Their versions of inside jokes usually consist of something like saying "i love you" at the same time, or "your mom" jokes.

I finally took the time to take a step back and realize what they really are. What they're really about. And it makes me all the more grateful that i'm not one of them.

I'm thankful i have this:
Why take a ":)" picture, when you could take a "xP" picture?
And i finally realized that true friendship may not always be glamourous,
At least not on the outside. But on the inside,

Friendship is beautiful.

1 comment:

Brianne said...

i love you.
pretty much a lot.