Tuesday, February 19, 2008


I used to always look at people with boyfriends and think "I gotta get me one of those..." But then i thought, being Single is GREAT! So the following list is for all you single people out there!

Reasons to be SINGLE!
1. You can flirt with anyone you want without feeling guilty!
2. You have lots more time to spend with friends, rather then hanging out with your bf.
3. You don't have to worry about getting in fights with your bf
4. You don't have to always impress your bf all the time
5. You can come to school wearing sweats without your bf teasing you
6. There arent as many awkward hugging/kissing moments.
7. You are much less likely to get pregnant and die when you are single
8. You meet more people that may be cooler than that guy you have a crush on.
9. You have more money to spend on YOU instead of buying your bf valentines presents, birthday presents, christmas presents, etc.

And reason number 10...
10. Who knows? Maybe that cute guy from Math will ask you out now that you're single!

So now that i have learned you in the way of being single, maybe you will spend less time thinking "what is wrong with me, why doesnt he like me, etc." and spend more time enjoying life! because chances are, most guys that you think don't like you either
1) Are scared to talk to you because they think u wont like them back
or 2) Are simply missing out on someone as amazing as you!

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