Friday, February 29, 2008

Ski Trip

I always wanted to ski,
So that winter, i went with bri.
The snowboarding ramps looked fun,
So i knew they were the one.
As i flew off the jump,
My foot hit a bump.
My skis hit a guy's head
"I'm so sorry!" I said.
By then, Bri had left on her own
So I was all alone.
I found myself atop the highest slope
I skied down slowly, like a dope
At last, i found my beloved Bri
And thats the story of how i learned to ski!

Monday, February 25, 2008

Guys are....


Not worth it



Sunday, February 24, 2008

Me and Emily in wal-mart

weirdgurl18 (3:05:52 PM): haha omg guess wat
weirdgurl18 (3:06:34 PM): me and emily terrorized walmart
weirdgurl18 (3:06:44 PM): we put condoms all over the store,
weirdgurl18 (3:06:51 PM): rode the little bikes
weirdgurl18 (3:06:54 PM): ,
weirdgurl18 (3:07:26 PM): then we put on helmets and sunglasses and got dora the explorer backpacks that rolled and ran around singing smack that
weirdgurl18 (3:07:56 PM): and we kept asking random ppl tht worked there if they could tell us where platform 9 3/4 was
weirdgurl18 (3:08:06 PM): and i was pushing emily around in a cart
weirdgurl18 (3:08:27 PM): then we found size DD bras and we put them on over our clothes
weirdgurl18 (3:08:36 PM): we got stalked by the manager
weirdgurl18 (3:09:04 PM): it was the best
weirdgurl18 (3:09:14 PM): then we started playing marco polo REALLY loudly
weirdgurl18 (3:09:33 PM): like she was in the food section and i was by the dvds and i could hear her
weirdgurl18 (3:09:56 PM): and when we checked out, i got a gift reciept for some skittles
weirdgurl18 (3:10:15 PM): and we put some reaaly sexy lingere in this old guys cart when he was turned around
weirdgurl18 (3:10:37 PM): and some condoms in this chicks cart and her bf was with her and he saw them and she was like... um....
weirdgurl18 (3:11:14 PM): and then
weirdgurl18 (3:11:20 PM): we went by the guns........
weirdgurl18 (3:12:12 PM): and i was looking at this one and i was like "how much is it for just one bullet?" and he was like...uh uts 5$ for 6 and i was like...hmm can you just tell me where the anti-depressants are?
weirdgurl18 (3:19:23 PM): they told us to leave and we were like OK
weirdgurl18 (3:19:33 PM): but then we came back 5 seconds l8r
weirdgurl18 (3:19:54 PM): they said "either stop acting like that or leave"
weirdgurl18 (3:20:44 PM): oh yea and we also stalked like 5 differnt ppl
weirdgurl18 (3:21:30 PM): and then i went up to this one chick and i was like "HEY!!! I havent seen you in FOREVER!!! how are you!?!?! *HUG*"
weirdgurl18 (3:22:55 PM): and then we dueled with wrapping paper rolls
weirdgurl18 (3:25:03 PM): and i did the whole running into the dressing room frantically and then yelling "THERES NO TOILET PAPER IN HERE!!!!!"
weirdgurl18 (3:26:29 PM): we went to the music and B-L-A-R-E-D ALL of the stereos
weirdgurl18 (3:27:01 PM): and emily went up to some old lady and started bawling and screaming "WHERES MY MOMMY!?!?"
weirdgurl18 (3:27:57 PM): and whenever the intercom thing came on, we dropped to the ground in a fetal position whispering "the voices again... voices....."
weirdgurl18 (3:28:23 PM): and emily walked into the middle of a bunch of ppl and screamed RAPE
Tomichi02 (3:29:03 PM): did you actually do all of this?
weirdgurl18 (3:29:15 PM): yup =] ask emily
Tomichi02 (3:29:30 PM): lol
weirdgurl18 (3:29:31 PM): then we went to dairy queen..........
Tomichi02 (3:29:37 PM): oh no.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

That girl

I thought i loved him,

So i ordered him a flower.

But after i got to know him,

I realized i didnt really love him.

So the flower came that Valentines,

He had no clue who annoymously sent it.

Then a girl who i once considered a friend,

Told him it was me who sent it to him.

Today, I lost two friends:

That girl and that boy both.

He didnt like me like that

And i couldnt explain how i stopped loving him.

So now, we never talk.

We never walk.

And now, because of that girl,

I lost his friendship.

P.S. That girl isn't Jordan Kim. I thought it was but i was wrong.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


With you my heart will always stay.
With you my thoughts will be every day.
You remain to be the one that I regret letting get away.
Why didn't I say what I needed to say?

You are the one I will always use my wishes on.
You are the one I will always wish was never gone.
I'll constantly wonder what went wrong.
I'll forever think of what I could've did that was never done.

When I see you smile and know that it is not for me,
that is when I will miss you the most.
You can close your eyes to things you don’t want to see,
but you can’t close your heart to things you don’t want to feel.

You live only to die
Faking smiles when all I want to do is cry
The tear stains on my pillow will never dry
Why do I still try?

I'm giving up on loving you I cant take the pain you've put me through
Deep down I know the feelings are always there

Maybe someday you will care
At least for now I can hide my pain I know if I dont, I'll go insane

Our time apart has made me realize
There is no second chance when it comes to guys

I almost had you back one time
But of course, you changed your mind

The many excuses that you have told
Are getting lame and really old

We never talk anymore
Its like a room to ur life and u've slammed the door

It hurts to know you've shut me out
Now i know wut love is all about

You're happy then u cry and cry
Where there was truth becomes all lies

All in all it never ends for good
But then again, who thought it would?

It's hard enough when the one you love doesn't love you back, but it is even harder to watch him love someone else.

Guys are like stars...there are a million out there but only one can make your wishes come true

To the world you are one person. To one person, you are the world

I loved you once
You loved me not
I loved you twice
But then I thought
You never loved me
You never will
But even so
I love you still.


I used to always look at people with boyfriends and think "I gotta get me one of those..." But then i thought, being Single is GREAT! So the following list is for all you single people out there!

Reasons to be SINGLE!
1. You can flirt with anyone you want without feeling guilty!
2. You have lots more time to spend with friends, rather then hanging out with your bf.
3. You don't have to worry about getting in fights with your bf
4. You don't have to always impress your bf all the time
5. You can come to school wearing sweats without your bf teasing you
6. There arent as many awkward hugging/kissing moments.
7. You are much less likely to get pregnant and die when you are single
8. You meet more people that may be cooler than that guy you have a crush on.
9. You have more money to spend on YOU instead of buying your bf valentines presents, birthday presents, christmas presents, etc.

And reason number 10...
10. Who knows? Maybe that cute guy from Math will ask you out now that you're single!

So now that i have learned you in the way of being single, maybe you will spend less time thinking "what is wrong with me, why doesnt he like me, etc." and spend more time enjoying life! because chances are, most guys that you think don't like you either
1) Are scared to talk to you because they think u wont like them back
or 2) Are simply missing out on someone as amazing as you!

Monday, February 18, 2008



Whoa. We are like BFFs. we are the ppl who make band cool. And thats not easy. Your always there to talk and to be talked to by. And your pretty much the most understanding friend. even when its not fun to be everyones psycatrist, you still are. <3333


"Heids, I've known you since we were 5. nothing is awkward." That statement is so true. we've been best friends forever for... ever. now i could either put some mushy "i love you, you mean so much to me, and i'll always be there for you!" or i could put all of our good times, like spying on the neighbors, "bruce" thornberry, or when the guy who did my ex missed. but whatever i put, just remember that i really do love the crap out of you.


Let me just say that i am glad we are married. we are just the perfect couple. and i finally came to the conclusion that a muffin with frosting is not a cupcake, but a wanna-be-cupcake, or a wupcake. and the same goes for cupcakes without frosting. they are just wuffins. p.s. brianne said she ate my fetus >:(


Yea you pretty much rock. It is so funny how jordan kim sits there in band every day and flirts with nate. I don't know how u can stand it cuz i sure couldn't! ;)
And yea. We have lots of fun times in band class, and don't forget band CAMP lol <33333


I LOVE YOU, ERIN!! Even though you don't have a blog or anything so you prolly won't see this... yea. I can't understand why so much sh** happens to you. You are a great girl and obviously your bfs and ur family can't see that. So when you're down, remember that i love you. lots. *heart*


I like posting stuff.

It is fun.

Except now i can't think of anything to write.


Well, since this is my first post (not counting bri's), I'll do a little introduction thingy.

Humorous Pictures

My name is Heidi. I'm not putting my last name because the only people that i would let know it, already know it and everyone else is probably a stalker.

New Blog

This is Heidi's blog...

Yeah, I (Brianne) just made it for her because her computer was being stupid.


