Saturday, December 20, 2008
Meet My Super Cute Socially Awkward Boyfriend, whom i happen to love.
Today at 9:05pm
Im prolly a bit overdue for a mushy-gushy messege so here we go.
Like my status says, "The best things in life aren't spoken. The best feelings can't be expressed by words. They are in your love's eyes and heart when you look. I see them in yours." I think it is the truth, especialy when it comes to you. When i look in your eyes, i see the love that can only come from the beautiful people that have a beautiful soul like you. There is only a select few ibelieve to have both. Some are beautiful, some have a beautiful soul. You are the only one to have both. When i look in your eyes, i dont what to look away from the beauty in them.
At the end of the day, i thank God for haveing your love, even tho i may not deserve it. It picks me up when im down, it gives me the strength to carry on when i think i can not.
In the end, this is only a small flame of the forest fire that rages inside me for you, and I love you. I thought you should know.
~ <3 4 Months<3 ~
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Hosea and Gomer.
The early days of their marriage were beautiful as their love began to blossom. And God blessed their union with a son. How Hosea’s heart must have swelled with joy. He was convinced that his marriage would be better than ever with this little one to brighten their home. God named the baby, for his name was to have prophetic significance to the nation. He called him Jezreel, because it was at Jezreel that King Jeroboam’s great grandfather Jehu had first come to the throne by ambitious crimes of bloodshed and violence. While his dynasty was prospering at the moment, its destruction was on the horizon and it would happen in the valley of Jezreel.
It was after the birth of Jezreel that Hosea seems to have noticed a change in Gomer. She became restless and unhappy, like a bird trapped in a cage. He went on preaching, encouraging the wayward nation to turn from its sin and trust God for deliverance from the threat of surrounding nations. “Return unto the Lord!” was the theme of his message, and he preached it repeatedly with power. But Gomer seemed less and less interested in his ministry. In fact, she may have grown to resent it. She probably even accused Hosea of thinking more about his preaching than he did of her. She began to find other interests to occupy herself, and spent more and more time away from home.
The dangers are great when a husband and wife have few interests in common. Sometimes he goes his way and she goes hers. They each have their own set of friends, and there is little communication to bring their two worlds together. A husband’s preoccupation with his work may be the major contributing factor to the cleavage. Or it may be a wife’s growing involvement in outside activities and subsequent neglect of the home. It may simply be a disinterest in the things of the Lord on the part of either husband or wife. But it sets the scene for great calamity. Husbands and wives need to do things together and take an interest in each other’s activities. In this inspired story, the responsibility is clearly laid upon Gomer rather than Hosea. She did not share her husband’s love for God.
That brings us, secondly, to his unrelieved agony. Scripture does not give us the details of what happened, but what it does say would permit us some speculation concerning the progressive trend that led to the tragic situation we eventually discover. Gomer’s absences from home probably grew more frequent and prolonged and soon Hosea was feeling pangs of suspicion about her faithfulness to him. He lay awake at night and wrestled with his fears. He preached with a heavy heart during the day. And his suspicions were confirmed when Gomer got pregnant again. It was a girl this time, and Hosea was convinced that the child was not his. At God’s direction, he called her Loruhamah, which means “unpitied” or “unloved,” implying that she would not enjoy her true father’s love. Again the name was symbolic of Israel’s wandering from God’s love and the discipline she would soon experience. But even that spiritual message could not soothe the prophet’s troubled soul.
No sooner had little Loruhamah been weaned than Gomer conceived again. It was another boy. God told Hosea to call him Lo-ammi, which meant “not my people,” or “no kin of mine.” It symbolized Israel’s alienation from Jehovah, but it also exposed Gomer’s sinful escapades. That child born in Hosea’s house was not his.
It was all out in the open now. Everyone knew about Gomer’s affairs. While the entire second chapter of Hosea’s prophecy describes Jehovah’s relationship with his unfaithful wife Israel, it is difficult to escape the feeling that it grows out of Hosea’s relationship with Gomer, sandwiched as it is between two chapters that clearly describe that sad and sordid story. He pleaded with her. He threatened to disinherit her. But still she ran off with her lovers because they promised to lavish material things on her. He tried to stop her on occasion, but she continued to seek her companions in sin. Hosea would take her back in loving forgiveness and they would try again. But her repentance would be short-lived and soon she would be off again with another new lover.
Then the final blow fell. Maybe it was a note, maybe word sent by a friend, but the essence of it seems to have been, “I’m leaving for good this time. I’ve found my true love. I’ll never come back again.” How Hosea must have suffered! He loved her deeply and grieved for her as though she had been taken in death. His heart ached that she should choose a life that would surely bring her to ruin. His friends were probably saying, “Good riddance to her, Hosea. Now you’ll be through with her adulterous ways once and for all.” But Hosea did not feel that way. He longed for her to come home.
We cannot escape the message of his undying love. Hosea wanted to see Gomer restored to his side as his faithful wife. And he believed that God was great enough to do it. One day word came by way of the grapevine gossips that Gomer had been deserted by her lover. She had sold herself into slavery and had hit bottom. This was the last straw. Certainly now Hosea would forget her. But his heart said “No.” He could not give her up. And then God spoke to him: “Go again, love a woman who is loved by her husband, yet an adulteress, even as the Lord loves the sons of Israel, though they turn to other gods”.
Gomer was still beloved of Hosea even though she was an adulteress, and God wanted him to seek her out and prove his love to her. How could anyone love that deeply? The answer was right there in God’s instructions to Hosea, “even as the Lord loves.” Only one who knows the love and forgiveness of God can ever love this perfectly. And one who has experienced His loving forgiveness cannot help but love and forgive others. Christian husbands are commanded to love their wives as Christ loved the Church, and Hosea is an outstanding biblical example of that kind of love.
So he began his search, driven by that indestructible divine love, love that bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things, love that never ends. And he found her, ragged, torn, sick, dirty, disheveled, destitute, chained to an auction block in a filthy slave market, a repulsive shadow of the woman she once was. We wonder how anyone could love her now. But Hosea bought her from her slavery for fifteen shekels of silver and thirteen bushels of barley. Then he said to her, “You shall stay with me for many days. You shall not play the harlot, nor shall you have a man; so I will also be toward you”. He actually paid for her, brought her home, and eventually restored her to her position as his wife. While we do not find anything else in Scripture about their relationship with each other, we assume that God used Hosea’s supreme act of forgiving love to melt her heart and change her life.
How many times should a husband or wife forgive? Some contend, “If I keep forgiving I simply affirm him in his pattern of sin.” Or “If I keep forgiving, she’ll think she can get away with anything she wants.” Others say, “If I keep forgiving, it’s like putting my seal of approval on his behavior.” Or “I can’t take another hurt like that. If he does that one more time, I’m leaving.” Those are human responses. Listen to the response of the Lord Jesus. You see, Peter had asked the Lord this same question: “Lord, how often shall my brother sin against me and I forgive him? Up to seven times?” The Lord’s answer was, “I do not say to you, up to seven times, but up to seventy times seven”. That is a great deal of forgiveness. In fact, Christ was simply saying in a captivating way that there is no end to forgiveness.
Sometimes it’s just the little slights and daily agitations that need forgiveness, the occasional sharp word or angry accusation. But we harbor it, let it eat at us, and build up bitterness and resentment which erodes our relationship. Maybe it’s a major offense, like Gomer’s, and we can never forget it. We stew on it and fret over it, and we keep bringing it up in a subconscious attempt to punish our mates for the hurts we have suffered. We try to forgive, but a few days later it’s right there again, preying on our consciousness. Big wounds sometimes take longer to heal. They will come back to our minds. There is no way to avoid it. But every time they do, we must first remind ourselves that we really did forgive, then rehearse how much God has forgiven us, then ask Him to take the destructive, unforgiving thoughts out of our minds.
Forgiveness does not necessarily mean that we must suffer in silence. The need for open and honest communication would demand that we share what we think and how we feel, what the wrong has done to us, and how our mates can help us get over it. God tells us how much our sin grieves Him. Gomer certainly knew how her affairs were tearing at Hosea’s heart. What we say must be said lovingly and kindly, but we have both the need and the obligation to share what is on our hearts.
Neither does forgiveness necessarily mean we cannot take positive steps to guard against the sin recurring. That might require some extended counseling; it might demand an honest reappraisal of our personalities or habit patterns; it might mean a change in our life-style or a relocation. God takes positive steps to help us want to please Him. That is what divine discipline is all about. We do not discipline each other, but we can discuss steps that will help us avoid these same pitfalls in the future.
Forgiveness does mean, however, that we will pay for the other person’s offenses. We will refuse to retaliate in any way to make the guilty person pay. We will absolve him of all guilt. God can use that forgiving love to melt hardened hearts and change callused lives quicker than anything else in this whole wide world. That is the lesson of Hosea and Gomer, the lesson of forgiveness. God’s love and forgiveness pervade Hosea’s entire prophecy. Please do not misunderstand it. God hates sin; it grieves His heart; He cannot condone it; His perfect righteousness and justice demand that He deal with it. But He still loves sinners and diligently seeks them out and offers them His loving forgiveness.
We need to love like that. We need to forgive like that. We need to drag the festering hurts we have been harboring in our hearts to the cross of Christ—where we laid our own burden of guilt one day and where we found God’s loving forgiveness—and we must leave them all there. When we fully forgive, our minds will be released from the bondage of resentment that has been building a wall between us, and we shall be free to grow in our relationship with each other.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Meet my New Favorite song.
--Iron & Wine
<3 (Courtesy of Twilight)
I was a quick wet boy
Diving too deep for coins
All of your straight blind eyes
Wide on my plastic toys
And when the cops closed the fair
I cut my long baby hair
Stole me a dog-eared map
And called for you everywhere
Have I found you?
Flightless bird,
jealous, weeping
Or lost you?
American mouth
Big bill looming
Now i'm a fat house cat
Cursing my sore blunt tongue
Watching the warm poison rats
Curl through the wide/white fence cracks
Kissing on magazine photos
Those fishing lures thrown in the cold and clean
Blood of Christ mountain stream
Have I found you?
Flightless bird,
brown hair bleeding
Or lost you?
American mouth
Big bill, stuck going down
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Saturday, November 15, 2008
In a Blink of an Eye
"Life goes by way too fast"?
I never used to believe that, as i sat at home, alone, bored,
wishing something exciting would happen.
I was just wishing the day would be over.
But lately, i've started to realize that hollywood isnt that ficticious.
This morning, there i sat, doing nothing.
The next moment, Alex was there with me,
And the moment after that, i was all alone again,
wandering around the freezing town of waverly.
I didnt even notice the changing of scenery until after it was changed.
Everything just changes sooo fast
Suddenly, i was just like:
'Hey, i'm in Jake Farran's car, on my way to walmart with him.'
'Whoa, I'm wandering around Fareway, eating doughnut holes, holding hands with Alex.'
'Oh my gosh, I'm standing here with a 500$ camera, taking some really great pictures'
'I'm playing guitar hero at AJ Schutte's house?'
'Weird, i'm on a shopping trip with Isaac.'
'I'm in a car and Matt Evans is driving?'
I never realize what i'm doing, until i'm actually doing it.
Like, i never would have predicted doing those things, but here I am.
It may be where i am now, but it will probably all change any moment.
What I'm trying to say is,
Don't Blink, or you'll miss out on the best of life.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Is it supposed to hurt this bad?
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Oh, and what a high wall did Humpty sit upon.
Everything was beautiful and perfect from way up there.
But then,
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.
Who would've guessed,
Because Humpty looked so happy,
defying gravity that way.
And not even all of the apologies and kisses in the Kings army
Could put Humpty Dumpty together again.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Saturday, October 18, 2008
when it's perfect,
my head on his shoulder, and at that particular moment in my life,
everything seemed perfect.
it made all of the little imperfections in my life seem so minuscule.
and that's when i knew it was all going right.
as he slowly and cautiously leaned in to kiss me,
i closed my eyes, and kissed him back, truly meaning it.
"i love you," he whispered softly into my ear.
"i love you too," i clumsily murmured back.
Friday, October 10, 2008
cream cheese?
i was sitting underneath the bleachers, practically hating myself.
but then he came, with his gleaming, amber eyes.
and with one look, i knew everything was going to be alright.
he held me close, and stroked my cheek.
he whispered comforting things softly into my ear,
things that made sense.
things that helped.
he's the cream to my cheese.
the one that helps me through it all,
silently comforting,
never complaining.
passionately loving.
there's just something about the way he looks at me.
he looks at me like i'm the most beautiful thing he's ever known.
but not in an appearance way.
he looks at me like i'm the best person he's ever known.
i can tell that his eyes are piercing past my appearance, and looking deep inside me, and falling in love with the real Heidi inside this shell.
i love him so much.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Well, here we are. Almost a month and a half later, and im feeling like i've never felt before. You make me a person i've never been before and i don't want to go back. i definately dont deserve ur love, but i guess i must have done something right to deserve it. :) I know im not perfect, im a little slow, and not the brightest when it comes to relationships, but i hope im doing a good enough job for you. well, enough of this sappy talk.
Love you,
Alex "
p.s. he kissed me saturday night.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
can haz extreme happiness!
Me: Nope. Guess we haven't.
Alex: Huh. I'll have to work on that.
Me: Well, if you care about me, just tell me.
Alex: No, I don't care about you. 'Care' is too insignificant of a word. I Love you, Heidi. And I'll be yours for as long as you'll be mine.
Me: =] I love you too. *truth*
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Perfection in My Eyes
All I ever wanted was to be part of your heart,
And for us to be together,
to never be apart.
No one else in the world can even compare,
You're perfect and so is this love that we share.
We have so much more than I ever thought we would,
I love you more than I ever thought I could.
I promise to give you all I have to give,
I'll do anything for you as long as I live.
In your eyes I see our present, our future and past,
By the way you look at me I know we will last.
I hope that one day you'll come to realize,
How perfect you are when seen through my eyes.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
good news.
and it was really more of just a theory.
so yeah.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
The mind of a Heidi
"About three things i was absolutely positive:
First, Edward was a vampire.
Second, there was a part of him, and i wasnt sure how dominate that part ma be, but that thirsted for my blood.
And Thirdly, i was unconditionally and unrevocably in love with him"
Don't Stop living your life until your dead.
I'm sorry I can't be perfect.
A cold and friendless tide has found you.
Don't let the stormy darkness pull you down.
'You're a hoe. Please leave me alone.'
Why can't I find the strength to tell you that?
I hope my ipod touch comes in the mail tomorrow.
After all i've put you through,
After everything i've said to you,
After everything you've seen me do,
How can you still want me?
I'm sorry she dumped you.
Its not your fault.
It started out as a feeling,
Which then grew into a hope.
Which then turned into a quiet thought,
Which then turned into a quiet word.
So the "OK" button on my phone doesnt seem to be working.
This could present a problem or two...
Hate me today,
Hate me tomorrow,
Hate me for all the things I didn't do to you.
Look, dear.
Everyone hates you.
Just go back to where you came from,
and everything will be alright.
How many licks DOES it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop?!
I loved you once,
You loved me not.
I loved you twice,
But then i thought,
You never loved me.
You never will.
But even so,
I love you still.
Dear you,
You're a hoe.
So stop hoeing it up in hoeland
and quit being such a hoeish hoe.
Ugh. trust me, he is SOOO not worth your time.
Well, my photograhy project turned out well.
Too bad the teacher is a skank and she didnt like it.
And now i have another project due in 8 hours.
Thank you, daddy dearest, for rampaging my room and breaking my shit.
"Before you, my life was like a moonless night. Very dark, but there were stars- points of light and reason.... and then you shot across my sky like a meteor. suddenly, everything was on fire; there was brilliancy, there was beauty. when you were gone, when the meteor had fallen over the horizon, everything went black. Nothing had changed, but my eyes were blinded by the light. i couldnt see the stars anymore. and there was no reason for anything."
I can't read your mind. You have to c-o-m-u-n-i-c-a-t-e!!
How the Eff do you hit a freaking parked car?!
Early out tomorrow! Are we still on for our date?
-Do you believe in aliens?
-You'd have to be pretty self-centered to believe that we're the only living things in this humongus universe we live in.
Action, Action, we want some action!
A-C-T-I-O-N!! Go cats! *Jump*
Why would you have your first kiss next to a smelly birdcage?!
I hate PMS.
Yes, boys DO have cooties.
No, you can't eat that crayon.
Why don't you ask your mom where babies came from.
Sure, Justin, you can be a ninja when you grow up. stay in school.
Keep your clothes on, you two.
-Who would you consider a successful person?
-Someone who lived a happy life, who was generally a benifit to society. Someone who found their soul mate, and had a happily ever after with them. Someone wasnt nessicarily the richest or most productive person, but who chased their dreams instead of following them. That's who I'd consider successful.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
I'll be Your Candle on the Water
Don't let the stormy darkness pull you down.
I'll paint a ray of hope around you.
Circling in the air,
Lighted by a prayer.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Saturday, September 6, 2008
It could be worse...
I have a diesease.
I will be totally deaf in 5-10 years.
My parents still fight.
I've drifted away from too many of my friends.
One of my Best friends in the world moved away.
But it could be worse.
I could not have you.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Yeahh. =)
Yeah, he asked me out in band.
Yeah, i really like him a whole lot.
Yeah, we're going to a movie on monday.
Yeah, he makes me smile more than anyone else ever has.
Yeah, i think he'll make me happy for a really long time.
Yeah, he told me "you deserve a really good boyfriend, and i want to try my hardest to be that boyfriend."
Yeah, he said he'd rather shoot himself before he'd hurt me.
Oh yeah.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Johnny and June
Johnny and June
Rings of fire burnin' with you
I wanna walk the line,
Walk the line,
'Till the end of time
I wanna love,
Love ya that much
Cash it all in,
Give it all up,
And when you're gone
I wanna go, too
Like Johnny and June
-Heidi Newfield
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Monday, July 14, 2008
all anyone ever uses them for anymore is to complain about other people without saying it to their face.
now i know that everyone has posted blogs saying "stop doing that..."
but this blog is different.
i'm giving up blogger.
i plan on keeping this blog, but i'm done blogging or even checking other people's blogs.
i'll still check the nerd posse blog occasionally,
and i'll still blog in my rant blog,
but thats it.
i'm done.
p.s. i'm deleting the nerd posse group on facebook because no one ever gets on, so it's pointless.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Friday, June 27, 2008
Thursday, June 26, 2008
happyface =]
everything in my life is pretty much right where i want it to be.
i wish i could freeze time and stay like this forever.
1. my dad and i are getting along-ish
2. everyone is pretty much getting along
3. i got some amazing birthday presents, including a new camera
4. isaac and i have gotten closer, but not like that. just closer, as in- we talk more and tell each other more secrets
5. muffin is super cuddly lately and he hasnt ran away for a while
6. all my electronics (phone, ipod, camera) are not lost or broken
7. i saw bri, jordan, and sammy today
8. no icky boys bug me anymore
9. only one more day of driver's ed
10. i go on vacation next week
i could go on about other things that may seem minor to you, but seem big to me.
i just wanted to take the time to say this:
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
hello, my blog is.... rAnDoM? o.O
dearest ex-boyfriend:
*ninja thigh grab!!!*
ahem. anyways....
well, you're pretty much amazazing. you're my favorite little emo kid, so don't turn into a vampire, because then i couldn't stay away from you, so i'd become vampire as well. so don't have sex with any vampires, and we'll both be just swell! =P
p.s. i saw some european books at walmart today.
fyi. ;)
to marty the janitor.
yes, i know your pants are off and you're horny, but your just going to have to wait. i'm on the phone with jericho, my newest bff. hehehe =]
te amo/me encanta tu!
(however you say it...)
you're one awesome chica, and your shirt says margaritaville... lets go there sometime, kapeesh?
see you in margartville!
haha. nice bubbles. i'm jealous of your amazing blowing- talents. =p
guess what? you're one spiffy friendo, and i think you're prty coolz.
and as mr hovden says, "just remember. always blow it good and hard. (car horns, of course, silly)"
keep rockin! :]
"never blow something unless you know its previous blowers."
always live by that rule, brianne.
my dad says he can "tweak your car up a bit, if you want him to."
so keep that in mind, in case you ever want your car to be "B.A." or "pimpin"
and try try try try try to stay off that acid!
i know its tempting, and it makes you look all cool and stoned and stuff, but i wouldnt want your face to explode because of massive acid intake.
(and i think i'll use "muffin's" 20$ to help buy my new camera. =] )
roawr. thats the noise a lion makes.
"roawr!," rawred the lion, "watch out for those puddles!"
Nomnomnomnom. i made you a fetus, but i eateded it. :(
by the way, did you ever get your nancy drew installed?
it sounds like a bundle of fun.
so i was thinking... if i can teach kirby to hardcore dance, do you think i can teach her to break dance? that would be stellar awesome. just like you! =D
whoa. we can has a pretty amazing picture that i put
<- right here!
that was good fun, the dance. hehe. my chucks...
<33334 forevers & evers
whoa! look in the sky! its a bird! its a skydiver!
Its... Its.....
faithers, sweetheart, you are MY superhero and nuthinz evr gonna change that, okay? okay.
moosehug! that was random/awesome.
hope you enjoy all of my random animal hugz.
i know you enjoy hugs, in general.
heidihug! thats one crazy animal hug....
p.s. it kinda looks like you stole some of bri's acid in this pic. try not to do that. =P
Kraft Elizabetharoni & Cheese- Mmmm! Its the Cheesiest!!!
i love cheese.
and... i love you.
"omg, girls, i think i like broke a nail and stuff!!"
i hope you enjoy your cuties little piano music and such. i did not even know you play piano, jeesh, thanks for TELLING me. just playing. =P
i am a super secret artichoke. (shhhh!)
oh, and stay off the mariwana, k?
<3, honey bunches of oats
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
It's a big hoax that scientists and environmentalists have thrown out there
to make themselves famous and to get everyone in a big scare.
and whats really dumb is E80.
I mean, we're burning our food for fuel.
Sure, it sounds good... 20% corn in our gas tank?
but the reality of it is this:
if we use our corn for fuel, what will we eat??
here's the breakdown:
1. the demand for corn will go up, thus raising the price of corn.
2. if the price of corn goes up, farmers will have to pay more to feed their cattle corn.
3. the farmers will then make up for the costs by raising the price of meat.
4. meat will become more expensive.
5. corn is also used to make LOTS of other common foods. (e.x.: cereal, bread, granola bars, etc.)6. all our food will become expensive!
and long story short, the price of food will go up A LOT,
and gas will stay about the same because theres still that 80% fuel we have to pay for.
why do we have to buy expensive, foreign fuel when we have just as good of fuel in our country?
because crazy environmentalists are afraid that we will "kill the earth" or whatever.
so then, why can china, and afganistan, and europe all drill for oil,
but we can't because it will hurt our earth?
don't those other countries share the exact same earth?!
its like this:lets say you have a pumpkin patch in your yard.
well, the government comes in and says "you can't harvest those pumpkins,
because it may harm the earth, so you have to buy european pumpkins,
to save the planet."
except european pumpkins cost 10$ each, when you can get yours for free.
sound good to you?
evironmentalists do not want us to drive cars,
but yet, how do THEY get to work everyday?
they say we need to use electric cars.
but you have to charge them, with electricity.
where does electricity come from?
power plants.
and apparantly, power plants are bad too,
because they polute the earth with all the smoke.
so then what ARE we supposed to drive??
actually, cars, factories, and power plants have come a long way since the 1940s...
they were terrible on pollution and gas mileage, etc then, but now?
they are much better.
factories and power plants have filters that remove most of the pollution coming out of their chimneys.
cars get 20-30 miles per gallon, when they used to get approx. 10-15.
here's what will happen if/when barrack obama becomes president.
he says he will "start a lot of programs" or whatever.
but what he's really saying is
he's going to raise taxes and use YOUR hard-earned cash to:
a) give away to katrina victims,
but it doesnt always go to them. it was in the newpaper a week or so ago
that a man from cf spammed the government into thinking he was a katrina victim.
they gave him a 1,000$ gift card, which he used to buy a flat screen TV.
b) give to poor people, and some of those people live "in the ghettos"
so they'll spend all that money on drugs, guns, or alcohol.
c) raise the congressmen's taxes even more. they already make $169,300 per year.
so there you have it. if you vote for obama, your money will most likely fund either
hackers' TVs, gangsters' drugs, or rich congressmens' raises.
and that's my take on politix.
the end.
sorry about all the confusion..
i had to change it to eliminate a certain stalker. *cough*
thank you for your patience, good citizens
lots of love,
Sunday, June 22, 2008
=D hehehe.
isaac: WHAT?!? your parents were having sex?! during a movie??!!
me: nononono, i meant the ppl in the MOVIE were having sex....rotfl.
isaac: oooh. thats a relief. but you know, your parents DID have sex once... or twice... or a lot... and thats why you're here!!
me: ...thanks, isaac. its okay, i wasn't planning on eating my supper anyways.
I recently stayed at you're hotel, and i was not pleased. here is my feedback:
we were in urbana, and needed to get a hotel. so we looked up "super 8" in the phone book, and called it, and booked a room. but later, we discovered that we had reserved a room in the wrong town, champaign.
so we politely asked if we could switch hotels, from the champaign Super 8, to the urbana Super 8. we had assumed it would not be a big deal, since they are affiliated.
not only were we rejected, the front desk attendant was excessively rude to us throughout our stay.
1. she very rudely told us that we could not switch hotels. "no. you can't. the end." "enjoy your stay here. *sarcasm*"
2. when we picked up a buisness card, she said "would you like like 1-800 number to complain, too?"
3. when we asked for an extra towel, she sighed, rolled her eyes, and then stomped off to get one, and slammed the door, then shoved it into my hands
4. when we were leaving, she was standing outside the hotel, talking loudly on a cell phone, smoking a cigarette, and not attending the desk. we had to wait for her to finish her "highly important phone call" (she was talking to her mom about some random car show.) before we could check out.
we were not at all pleased with our stay, and we don't intend on staying again, or recommending Super 8 to anyone else.
an annoyed customer
Monday, June 16, 2008
What can I say?
Learning to accept it and make the best of it.
Nothing lasts forever.
They say history has a way of repeating itself.
Don't let it.
Don't let it happen again.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
The Challenge
Step 1: compose a list of 10 bad things in your life. 10 things that bug you about people.
go ahead, type it.
Step 2: Select your whole list.
Step 3: Press the DELETE button.
There. Did that feel good? because it should have. Sometimes it helps me to just forget about my troubles for a while.
Today, I had a lot of things on my mind. And you know what i did? I walked down to the corner and sat. I didn't even really think. I just sat. And Muffin came too, so i petted him
I know it may not solve your problems, but it helps keep them in proportion.
Now. Let's try to optimistically place our minds on another topic.
I want you (yes, you) to make a list with as many good things as you can.
Here's mine:
Things I'm grateful for:
1. I have you. If you're reading this, thank you. thanks for caring about my life.
2. I have a non-tornadoed/non-flooded house to live in.
3. I live in a country where I can say what I want, believe what I want, and for the most part, do what I want.
4. I have a really big family who cares about me.
5. I have food, shelter, water, and clothing. Basically the only necessities in life.
6. I have a pretty cool job starting next august, and detasseling to look forward to.
7. I am healthy, for the most part. (just allergies)
8. I have a computer in which to type my blog on.
9. I have a fridge full of cream cheese. thanks guys =]
10. I have a mother who really cares about me and wants the best for me.
11. I have Muffin. He may look like just a lump of fat to you, but for me, he's amazing. He's always there for me, even when others aren't, and he'll always listen to what I have to say. He keeps all my secrets and doesn't make fun of me for them.
12. I have a pretty cool room, house, ipod, bird, closet, pingpong table, tv, dvd collection, life.
13. I'm lucky enough to have a couple groups of friends.
14. My parents arent divorced.
15. I have a straight-gay friend who is amazing.
16. I'm alive.
I could go on for a long time, but my mom is telling me to get off the computer.
So go ahead. Take the challenge. It helps.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
I act sort of shy and cold because
I don't want to be myself
because I'm afraid they won't like me.
how i spend my life:
1% being mad at friends
2% shopping
3% on facebook/blogger
9% laughing
10% eating
12% being sad
20% at school
43% sleeping
It takes a long time for someone to earn my trust,
but it takes even longer for them to win it back.
Occasionally, I lie about how I really feel.
But lately, I've done that so often
that I don't even know how I really feel.
I don't really know where I'm supposed to be right now.
It feels so right, but its too good to be true.
I'm so confused about so many people right now.
including myself.
Even though I shouldn't even care about some of them,
I still do.
When I say I care,
Sometimes I really don't.
When I say I don't care,
Sometimes I really do.
I imagine myself in lots of people's shoes.
Sometimes I think,
"I would LOVE to be *insert name here*!!"
and other times, i think,
"It must suck to be *insert name here*!!"
which is otherwise known as judging people.
i tend to do that a lot.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Sunday, June 8, 2008
people of europe, earth, and iowa
don't be surprised when i come back and burn you.
Friday, June 6, 2008
I Heart Question Mark
They said love was complicated
But it's something i just fell into
And it was overated
But just look what
I created came out alive,
But i'm black and blue oooh!
But boy you ask me if I'm all right
Think about what I had to do OOOH!
Wake up
Smell my break up
Fix my heart
Put on my make up
Another mess i didn't plan
And i bet you thought you beat me
Wish you could only see
I got an I heart ? written on the back of my hand.
I'd be fine if you just walked by
But you had to talk about why
You were wrong and i was right
But i can't believe you made me sit at home cry
like a baby wait right
by the phone every night
And now you ask about you and I
There's no you and I Remember
what you put me through I had to
Wake up
Smell my break up
Fix my heart
Put on my make up
Another mess i didn't plan
And i bet you thought you beat me
Wish you could only see
I got an I heart ? written on the back of my hand.
And when you're home all alone at night
You still wonder why
You took everything i had away but
I haven't thought about you and I
There's no you and I
And I know someday you will
Wake up smell my break up
Realize that we won't make up
It didn't go the way you planned
And You'll know you didn't beat me
When you look down and see
I got an I heart ? written on the back of my hand
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Will I ever be good enough for You??
Hey Dad look at me
Think back and talk to me
Did I grow up according To plan?
Do you think I’m wasting My time
doing things I Wanna do?
But it hurts when you Disapprove
all along
My whole Life, you've constantly criticized me.
Everyone is better than me, according to you.
Well, maybe thats true.
Even though I tried not to show it,
It hurt me each time you said you didn't care about me.
It hurt me each time you compared me to other people,
saying, "why can't you be more like them?"
Every single dream I ever had,
You took it and crushed it.
Crushed it into little bitesize pieces,
by saying, "You will never be good enough"
I just want to make you proud
I’m never gonna be good Enough for you
I can’t pretend that I’m alright
And you can’t change me
Maybe I am as stupid as you say.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Mmm... Tacos...
Here it is!
The Taco Story
(As descibed to Faithe)
so basically, me and my jtown gang decided to have a gno (girls nite out)
well first, we went to taco johns (or taco bell, i can never remember)and i ordered a delicious quesidilla meal thingy.
then it came with a taco. so i was like "oh. thats cool i guess."but by the time i was done with my quesidilla, i didnt have room for the taco. and it looked muy sabroso, and i didnt want to just through it away.
so, i did the only normal thing to do- i shoved it in my purse for later use.
and then we're all at the mall shopping and such, and my friend alyssa is all like... "WHATS THAT SMELL!?!?"and we were all like "idk. my bff jill?"
so anyways, we're at yonkers and i bought a cute shirt. i'm at the checkout and all, and then i open my purse and there was like this big stench wave! it reeked!!! and i was like "oooh. maybe this wasnt one of my brighter ideas."
well, long story short, yonkers made me mad because they wouldnt take my friggin coupons, so i left them a smelly little "surprise"...when she looked away, i snuck the rotten taco thing behind the counter into a shelf and she never noticed, but as we were walking away, my friend noticed the cashier chick sniffing her pits to see if the smell was coming from her.
the end.
true story. ♥
Friday, May 30, 2008
Yep, thats me!
I'm the girl who laughs during the sad parts in a movie.
I'm the girl who screws with walmart in her free time.
I'm the girl who consciously dreams unrealistic dreams.
I'm the girl who sits on top a vending machine.
I'm the girl who has a plastic artichoke in my backpack.
I'm the girl who sits under the willow trees and just thinks.
I'm not the girl you'd classify as "normal"
I'm not the girl who will let you cheat off of.
I'm not the girl who follows every rule.
I'm not the girl who likes being called "hot" or "cute"
I'm not the girl who "goes with the flow"
I'm not the girl you think i am.
I'm not who you think i am.
I am who i am.
Love me,
Or Hate me.
I will never change myself just to please someone.
I'd rather be hated for who I am
than loved for someone I'm not.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
that gets you through pretty much everything?
Well, for a while, i couldn't find one for me.
Nothing seemed to cheer me up when i was down.
I've been playing piano since 2nd grade, but I never really thought anything of it.
It was kind of a "Meh. No, i can't hang out after school today. i have piano lessons."
For me, piano was boring for a long time. I wanted to quit for a long time because i didn't feel like I was getting anywhere. I was just mad because i couldn't play as good as Mozart. My mom always had to nag me to go to lessons, and i saw them as a waste of time.
Finally, in about March of this year, my parents had a fight about my piano lessons. My dad was the one running me to and from lessons because my mom had to work. Apparantly, he thought that if i didn't want to do lessons, why waste more money on me. But my mom was persistant on me not being a quitter. But as usual, my dad won by refusing to take me to lessons anymore.
My mom called the piano teacher and told her i had to "temporaily pause" my lessons. But I was pretty sure I wouldn't be starting them up any time soon.
For a while, my life seemed... less complicated. I liked it. But after a while, something felt like it was missing. A void that needed to be filled. I started randomly playing just in my free time, and I actually enjoyed it a little. I started playing more and more, and i was happy whenever i was playing piano. I thought that this was my calling.
Well, as you all know(or should know), my dad is a jerk. He was in a cranky mood one day and he flipped on me for playing the piano. He said i sucked and if he ever heard me playing again, he was going to burn all my music. I wouldn't put it past him.
So I started playing whenever i was alone. But he is retired, so that isn't very often. Every now and then, he'd go to a neighbor's house or something, and i'd practically FLY to the piano. I couldn't wait to run through a song or two.
In choir sometimes, I'd absentmindedly play chords or simple little tunes on the piano while we had study hall. Once, the teacher heard me playing, and, instead of yelling at me, she asked if i would accompany some people in the spring variety show. I was thrilled.
I tried my hardest to practice the accompaniments in my free time, but my dad hardly ever left the house anymore. I'd practice at school with the people I was accompanying, but i knew i couldn't learn all of the pieces in time.
The next day, I went up to the teacher and told her i couldn't learn them in time because i was "too busy." So I narrowed it all down to one accompaniment- Beauty and the Beast. When my dad was home, i'd sit on my bed and pretend i was on the piano and i'd finger the keys. The second he left, I'd bolt for the piano. It was 2 days until show, and i was still messing up a lot.
Finally, one day while i was ranting to Faithe, she suggested i play on a keyboard and put headphones in so my dad wouldn't hear.
The keyboard was way different than the piano and it took a while to get used to.
Finally, Show night came. As we walked onto the stage, my legs trembled because i had been playing on a keyboard and i had to play on a actual piano.
I sat down and I just played my heart out. I may have said a few prayers in my head for the tough spots, but other than that, i just played. And when the song ended, i realized I had only made 2 little mistakes.
The next day, I had a fight with my dad, in an attempt to win back my piano rights. There was a lot of arguing, but eventually, he gave in and I won.
For the first time in a long time, I was truely happy.
I knew I had found the thing that could get me through anything.
Monday, May 26, 2008
I will always be me.
I'm sorry that I'm not as hot as her.
I'm sorry i wear more modest clothes than her.
I'm sorry i wear less makeup than her.
I'm sorry i don't laugh at every single little thing you say, especially when its not funny.
I'm sorry i won't hit on you in every other sentance.
I'm sorry i won't kiss you on the first date.
I'm sorry i won't be your slut.
I'm sorry my boobs don't bounce when i run.
And I'm sorry I'm not her.
But did you ever think that there could be more to a girl then the size of her boobs and how much she flirts?
Did you ever care about a little thing called "personality?" Or faithfulness?
Do you know that she is fake, and doesn't stick with who she really is?
Do you know that she can't say no?
Do you know that she can't take a hint?
Do you know that she would do anything with a guy, just to get him to like her?
Or Do you know how she is so two-faced that even she isn't sure which face is really her?
Well i hope you are happy with her. I hope you two date someday.
But i also hope she breaks your heart.
I hope she makes out with your best friend while you're dating.
I hope you see that she has no true personality, and she just goes with the flow, never questioning anything.
And i also hope that when you come crawling back, I'll still have the guts to say no.
I used to care how you lived your life, and wanted you to be happy with it.
But not anymore. You don't listen to me anymore, so i can't really help you.
I could tell you that the stuff you're drinking is actually sewage, but you'd just shrug and say "its not really sewage. its a pretty color and it looks better than the clean water in your hand."
You've changed, and become so blind that i don't even know who you are anymore.
Maybe one day, you'll mature and discover that there are better things in life than what is just handed right to you.
“Women are like apples on trees,
the best ones are on the top of the tree.
The men don't want to reach for the good ones
because they are afraid of falling and don't want to get hurt.
Instead, they just get the rotten apples from the ground
that aren't so good but easy.
So, the apples at the top think something is wrong with them,
when in reality they are amazing.
They just have to wait for the right man to come along,
the one who's brave enough to climb all the way to the top
becuase they value quality.”
Well, I just want you to know that i will always be me,
Even if it means staying single forever because guys dont like me.
I could never change myself just for a guy because thats not what a relationship is about.
forever true,
heidi loo <3>
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Top 10 goals for a better me.
2. I'm going to try to never use the word hate.
3. I won't do any more reaallly mean things to jordan kim, except maybe the occasional insult, but thats all.
4. I'm going to stop trying to fit in and start being me.
5. I'm going to listen more than I talk.
6. I'm going to spend a lot less time being sad (especially about guys) and be a happier person.
7. I'm going to care a little less about things i shouldnt care about and care more about what i should care about.
8. I'm going to stop judging people.
9. I'm going to stop stirring up more drama.
10. I'm going to concentrate harder on schoolwork and actually do my homework before class starts.
Whats in a Word?
i love you.
in my opinion, that phrase is used waay too much.
it should be used after you start actually dating,
not before. if you say it too soon, its just weird.
i think one of the biggest mistakes guys make is
saying "i love you" too soon. they may claim they
"really mean it," but i don't believe it.
and if they say it after you break up, its also awkward.
they may still love you, but its not helping with the
"staying friends".
i totally understand if a girl says "i love you" to another girl,
or a guy that she is honestly just friends with.
i hate it when guys think they know you well enough
to say they love you, after only a day or so of dating.
i mean, lawrence did that to whoredon.
not a good couple to be compared to, is it?
here's my definition of i love you...
i love you- V. to give someone the ability to break your heart, but trusting them not to; a state of loving someone so much that you are afraid to lose them.
i hope this blog has helped you, and i hope you've learned that the phrase: "i love you" should not be used lightly.
lets say your guy has told you he loves you, and its too soon for you.
- tell him straight up "wait until you actually mean it."
- say something like "<333">
- ignore it, and see if he stops saying it.
- talk to him about it and tell him how you feel.
Saturday, May 24, 2008
aww :(
Near to the door
he paused to stand
as he took his class ring
off her hand
all who were watching
did not speak
as a silent tear
ran down his cheek
and through his mind
the memories ran
of the moments they walked
and ran in the sand hand and hand
but now her eyes were so terrible cold
for he would never again
have her to hold
they watched in silence
as he bent near
and whispered the words..
"I LOVE YOU" in her ear
he touched her face and started to cry
as he put on his ring and wanted to die
and just then the wind began to blow
as they lowered her casket
into the snow....
this is what happens
to man alive
when friends let friends
drink and drive.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
theres 5 colors,
well i grabbed for the white one.
basically, how the bracelets work is this:
you wear it, and if a guy breaks it off, you have to do what ever the color means with him
whoredon had two blue ones, and i believe they were broken off within the hour...
but anyways, i will be wearing a white bracelet. when i stop wearing it, it'll prolly mean i had my first kiss. (or else i forgot to put it on, or i lost it=P)
<3 always, heidi
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Where do I belong?
trapped between the beach and the ocean,
not knowing which way to go.
The gentle waves call me to the ocean,
while the sandy beaches lure me otherwise.
There is constant yelling,
fighting, horror, and pain.
Life is like a train off its rails,
or a crashing jet plain.
Adults may say they know what its like,
but they have no idea.
It is hard trying to be so perfect,
in a world that only accepts the best.
It is hard to be so beautiful,
in a world that only accepts supermodels
It is hard to be yourself,
in a world that only wants the perfect.
I am none of those things,
the things that people want,
I guess that is why I am an outcast.
The one that is alone.
There is one more thing I ask myself,
whenever I look into the mirror,
Do I belong?
Is there somewhere I do belong?
For now there isn't,
but someday there will be....
I hope.
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Bad Day
'nuff said.
1. I found out that i am, in fact, NOT upgrading to symphonic band next year.
2. I overdosed on cream cheese so now i have a tummy ache.
3. I found out i have to get a hearing aid.
4. A third grader puked on my art project.
5. I stepoped in a ginormous puddle, so my leg is soaked.
6. The dumb bus driver dropped me off a mile away from my house.
7. The only three people i called to rant about my bad day to couldn't talk more than 18 seconds.
8. Still pmsing.
So i am ranting/venting to my blog. fyi, i will prolly snap on the next person who pisses me off...
sorry i'm so bitchy today.
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
(duh duhn duhnnnn...)
So we're back by the cameras, which coincidentally, is by the fake fruits.
And i'm like "OMFG! ITS AN ARTICHOKE!!!"
I get so engrossed in said fruit that i set my phone down on the shelf.
Later, after I realized i forgot it, we called it.
"Hellow?!??" said some preppy chick.
"Uh, who is this?" i asked.
"Uhm, i found this phone sitting on the shelf so i'm taking it to customer service..."
So i head over to customer service, and long story short...
i save my phone from being given to a very hairy hobo,
was forced to fill out an intensely boring quiz thing about customer service as punishment,
sought revenge by annoying the cashier (bought 10 of the cheapest kinds of gum and asked for gift reciepts for each.)
And I bought my artichoke.
Monday, May 5, 2008
When you look in the mirror, who do you see?
do you see someone struggling with life?
When you look in the mirror,
do you see someone crying on the inside, smiling on the out?
When you look in the mirror,
do you see someone who can't find a way out?
When I look in the mirror, i see a girl.
A girl who's split between so many different people and cliques.
Who's not really sure where she belongs.
I see a girl
who tries her best to smile every day
to cover up all her sadness from within.
What do YOU see in the reflection?
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Nothing lasts forever
In fact, it seems rather contagious.
Everyone can find flaws in their lives,
or something they wish they had.
I guess I'm a hypocryte
because i've been sad lately too.
someone smart could probably tell you that
the lack of sunshine adds up and creates depression.
but i think its more than that.
Has anyone besides me ever noticed that
the main thing getting us down is men?
your boyfriend, your ex-boyfriend,
your wanna-be/soon-to-be boyfriend.
Can't you realize that there is life beyond males?
Last night at sam's, there were no guys!
And everyone had fun without guys!
And if you didn't have fun, its your own fault
for thinking abot anything besides sam's party.
If nothing else can cheer you up, think about this:
How long have you known your longest friend?
a year? two years? 8 or more years?
and what is the longest relationship/crush
you have ever had?
a month? 6 months? a year?
"lets be nothing. i hear it lasts forever."
well, its true. nothing lasts forever.
forever is a really long time.
so next time your life seems like
its headed down a one way street,
be a rebel. turn around and go up the one-way street.
and if you get lost along the way,
look to your friends.
we may not last forever,
but we'll stay as long as we can.